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Film Noir Movies with Star Wars characters. Yes, please! |
I think the best thing that the fans ever did for George
Lucas was choosing to ignore him when it came to the goofy stuff falling out of
his gourd-like noggin. People—and
weirdly, it wasn’t my crowd—began taking ownership of Star Wars in the same way that the Millennials were claiming Harry Potter and to a lesser extent, Lord of the Rings.
In the absence of movies, Fan Activity took over. People
began to re-interpret Star Wars
through different lenses and filters. Steampunk Star Wars was the rage for a while. Dark Horse published the
original trilogy storyline as classic Manga, complete with all of the
storytelling tropes and differences in place. It was a completely new reading
of the classic Star Wars text. And it
worked. It held up.
Cosplay exploded, and with it came clever re-inventions of
the visual architecture of Star Wars.
Fan fiction went wild (and of course, we can argue that most of the books
published between 1981 and 2010 are just high-end fan fiction), as did gaming.
Someone produced a musical. Lots of artwork hit the internet; retro-travel
posters to the various planets, minimalist movie posters, you name it. People
started posting DIY Lightsaber tutorials, using plumbing and hardware supplies.
And then, the fan movies! I can’t forget about those. The Boba Fett films alone
are an impressive thing.
Even the new licensed material had a different tone to it.
No longer just toys, you could now get chopsticks in the shape of lightsabers.
Or my favorite, ice cube trays with Han Solo frozen in Carbonite. I knew we
were going to be all right when I first saw those.
A ton of really talented artists, crafter, cosplayers, movie
makers—fans, all, really stepped up and made Star Wars fun again. It doesn’t have to be heavy, not all of the
time. I don’t need to take Midi-Chlorians seriously. All I need to do to get my
Star Wars Fan Activity on is to say, on the appropriate day, “May the Fourth Be
With You.” Of course, the only proper response to this is, “And also with you.”
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A Fan-Made Alternate Empire Strikes Back Poster. |
It’s okay to think that the folks who write down “Jedi”
under religious affiliation on tax forms and census forms are a little nutty.
They are. But they know it, too, and it’s okay. We’ve all got a sliding scale
to determine our level of participation. Mine stops at fanfic and cosplay, but
I wouldn’t be opposed to dressing up in costume for a single night—the premiere
of a new movie, say.
We don’t have to consume the party line. This is, I think,
especially important, now that Disney owns Lucasfilm. Disney is a Great Satan,
and don’t you forget it. They will slap a Darth Vader mask on Donald Duck the
instant Star Wars’ net worth drops
below a certain point on their profit/loss matrix. Because they don’t care
about Star Wars the way the rest of
the world does. It’s like Lucas sold his creation to the Emperor. I know that
seems weird, considering I was just praising the people who were doing Star Wars mash-ups with other things, so
why does Disney bother me so much? I never liked them as a company. Never cared
for their intellectual property. I was always a Warner Brothers guy. I don’t
want Disney crossing over into the Marvel Universe, either, for that matter. But
for now, they seem to be making smart choices. For now.
So, we’re turning a corner, now. A new Trilogy, the last of
Lucas’ original idea. He gets a nod, but not a say, and honestly, that’s the
thing that has reinvigorated my interest the most. I’m more excited about this
movie than I have been for any project with the Star Wars logo on it since the
20th anniversary editions were announced. This is a great time to be
a Star Wars fan, and The Force Awakens is most aptly named.
No one knows what happens after Jedi. They cut loose the Expanded Universe, another smart decision,
to bring the focus back to these movies. For the first time ever, fans of the
original series and fans of the prequels will get to experience the next
chapter in the Star Wars saga at the
same time, with no mental baggage hanging over. Like the Force, this trilogy
will surrounded us, penetrate us, and bind fandom together again.
The best thing about the movie is something I’ve wanted to
see for a long time; namely, what happens next. Lucas could have done that, had
he worked on the sequels instead of the prequels. But he didn’t. Including the
original actors in support roles as the generals and senators who send the new
kids off to war is a powerful statement. Handing off the series to the new kids
is exactly the right way to do it. I had an idea for how the story would start,
too. A way to involve the original cast and still make it a Star Wars trilogy for a new generation. Since this plot idea will never be relevant again,
I’m going to write it down for posterity. This is how I would have started
episode seven.
After the crawl, talking about years of peace and recent
rumors of unrest, we open on Han and Leia. Now a senator, Solo is wrestling
with something, and Leia asks him if he wants to go through with it.
HAN: What choice do I have? We’ve got to inform the council, or they will continue to debate the issue. We’ve got to act now.LEIA: I know. We need support. But I have a bad feeling about this.HAN: It’s been a long time since you’ve said that to me.
They banter for a bit, and the intercom beeps and informs
them the Millennium Falcon is approaching. They leave together to meet it.
In the lift, Han says he’ll feel better about what he’s got
to do with Chewie beside him. “I miss that old fuzzball,” he says.
The lift door opens and it’s not Chewbacca. It’s a Sith
dressed in black. He fires up the lightsaber and Leia force pushes him back as
Han draws a blaster. In the background, the Millennium Falcon is landing on the
platform and we cut to Chewbacca and Lando flying the ship. Chewie roars and
Lando fires up the belly turret. Heavy duty blaster fire rains down on the Sith
Lord, and he deflects it all with his blade. Han gets a few shots off, and then
his gun is pulled from him with the force and the Sith Lord looks at Leia,
looks at Han, and shoots Han with his own blaster.
Han is mortally wounded. They say something nice and he dies
in Leia’s arms. Chewie howls in mourning.
Han is buried with full military honors. Leia speaks at his
funeral, and explains he was assassinated by an enemy thought to have been
wiped out—the Sith. This garners mixed reactions. Most people consider the Sith
a myth, or a boogeyman, but she doubles down and takes political heat. The
funeral is disrupted by this and Leia, Chewbacca, and Lando are spirited away
in the confusion.
Cut to the Jedi
Academy, now rebuilt. Leia
gets out of the Falcon, which just landed, and a lone figure in black robes
greets her. Of course, it’s Luke.
LUKE: I know why you are here.LEIA: It’s Han.
LUKE: I felt it. His passing.
LEIA: Then, you know what I am going to ask.LUKE: Leia, Han was a brother to me. But you cannot ask that of me.LEIA: (angry) But why?LUKE: I can’t investigate his death. I am too close to it. My emotions are strong. Too strong. I would only make things worse.LEIA: I can’t do it alone, Luke. I need your help.LUKE: I can be your council in this matter. As for Han’s assassin...I will send my two best Jedi. They will find out who did this.
So, the new Jedi get on the Falcon, with Chewie and Lando. Inside,
they see the droids for the first time. Threepio is as beat-up looking as the
ship. Artoo now has a niche cut out for him in the Falcon’s cabin, and he’s
tucked into it, connected with tubes. One of the Jedi notices the archaic
LANDO: You’ll go before that Artoo unit goes. He’s earned his place on the Falcon.CHEWIE: Barks.LANDO: Chewie says you’ll have to earn your place, too.
So, they pass the torch. The Jedi are quickly separated from
the Falcon as they encroach on the Sith’s Master. Lando, Chewie, and Leia battle
the politics, and the politicians who have been influenced by the Dark side of
the Force, and the by the end we see the tables have been turned. The Sith are
now the Rebels, and the Rebellion is now the New Federation—or, the Empire.
It blurs a political line, but I think it’s a dandy opening.
Han dying in the first ten minutes galvanizes the audience and gives us a clear
mission and plot to kick start the trilogy. Plus, it fulfills a long-standing
dream of Harrison Ford in that he wanted Han to die as far back as Jedi. In
fact, I’d kill off Lando, and at least one or both of the Droids by the second
movie. Blow up the Falcon in the final film. Chewbacca lives. Leia lives. Luke’s
alive (maybe). But those are meaningful casualties for a galactic war—another thing
we did not get in Jedi, but we’ve since learned, thanks to Harry Potter, is an
okay thing to put into a story about war and rebellion.
Well, it’s not going to happen that way, though I have a
funny feeling Han will bite the dust in this movie. It’s the only thing that
explains why Ford is so happy these days. And I’m okay with it. I’m not one of
those people that get mad when they don’t use my ideas in movies I had nothing
to do with. I originally came up with the idea as an exercise in re-plotting
the Phantom Menace as Episode 7 instead
of episode 1, keeping the major set pieces and characters, but reworking the
story heavily. How cool would it have been if Darth Maul had assassinated Han
Solo? Our heads would have flipped back on their hinge, like a Pez Dispenser.
I like J.J. Abrams. I like him even when other people don’t.
I like him when he misfires. I think he’s more entertaining and a better
director than George Lucas—ironic since Abrams is a huge Star Wars fan and one of the many working professionals who credits
Lucas was his career interests. I think we’re going to see a more sophisticated
Star Wars for the next trilogy. I
think—I hope—that we’re going to get a more grown-up sensibility. Kids today
can handle it. And adults want it. There are now two generations of fans who
feel a kinship with this material that they grew up with and made a part of
themselves. Frankly, those generations are more important than the kids for
whom this will be their Star Wars,
because we are already a part of the franchise in both a literal and a
figurative sense.
This was something Lucas never really understood about Star Wars. Whenever you make a movie, a
book, a TV show, whatever—whenever you make a story, you are giving it away. Our
human nature is to take that story and make it our own. At its most personal, a
story becomes a part of us. Not just in our memories, or that sense of time and
place that it evokes when you re-experience that story, but we shape things in
the story to fit our needs. Snape isn’t really evil. Deckard can’t possibly be
a replicant. Darth Vader was once an innocent child. Han shot first. Whatever
you bring to that story, including your baggage, becomes a part of the story
for you. We don’t all experience Star
Wars in the same way. Those differences, those small scenes that matter to
us, are what makes it so important.
It wasn’t fair for Lucas to try and change that. He told his
story. He gave it to us.
And not only did we take in his story and made it our own,
we bought into it—quite literally, over the years—to the tune of thousands of
dollars’ worth of merchandise. I was by no means a collector, but I’m confident
that over the years, I put five grand into Lucas’ pocket, at the very least.
That kind of money may not get me a seat on the board of
directors, but it definitely makes me a shareholder in the company. And when
Lucas saw the push back on some of his creative decisions, he should have
listened to us.
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I cannot wait. Can you? |
His is now a flawed legacy. Thankfully the money he will
make off of the sale of his company—close to four billion dollars when it’s all
over—is going to fund education. He’s giving it all back to us. I respect that.
And I am going to take back some of the things I said about him over the years.
He’ll always be remembered, however, as the creator of Star Wars. And as the man who changed the way Hollywood does business.
It took a while, but we all got what we wanted. Here’s a new
Star Wars movie about to drop, and it’s
the one I never thought we’d ever see. Best of all, there’s a new director and
an old screenwriter (Lawrence Kasdan, who wrote Raiders of the Lost Ark), both of whom I feel are perfect for the
job. I like the cast. And I love what bits I’ve seen in the trailers. I’m
cautiously optimistic. It’s a good time to be a geek in general, but it’s a
great time to be a Star Wars fan.